You can opt for a 512MB card, which will record over 7 hours of 160kbps stereo MP3/MP2, or 45 minutes of 48 kHz PCM audio. For podcasters doing remote work, the ability to record MP3s is a convenience because you can copy the file from the CF card directly to your website."
Within the last two, three months, podcasting has become the fastest adopted new technology. Until a recently, podcasting was only known to the audiophiles, bloggers, and Adam Curry fans. But what is it, and more importantly how can you do it?
Do you have iTunes, Windows Media Player, or portable digital music player? If so, then you have the ability to access audio programs that cover everything from technology to news, from comic books to cooking. Here is the first big secret of podcasts; they are nothing more than downloadable MP3 files.
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