Virtuaaliset organisaatiot soveltuvat sekä hyvän että pahan palvelukseen. On lottovoitto syntyä Suomeen, elämme lintukodossa, naivi uskomme uusiin asioihin ja uuteen teknologiaan peittää joskus alleen sen, että uusien työkalujen ja toimintatapojen käyttäjät eivät aina kanna puhtaita jauhoja pussissaan.
"LONDON - They had diverse backgrounds, coming from countries around the globe, but all shared youth and worked in medicine. They also had a common goal, authorities suspect: to bring havoc and death to the heart of Britain."
The global village has many faces. Globalisaatiolla on monet kasvot. Tässä maailmassa on kuusi miljardia tarinaa. Tämä on yksi niistä.
All employees of the United Kingdom's National Health Service, some worked together as colleagues at hospitals in England and Scotland, and experts and officials say the evidence points to the plot being hatched after they met in Britain, rather than overseas.
"To think that these guys were a sleeper cell and somehow were able to plan this operation from the different places they were, and then orchestrate being hired by the NHS so they could get to the UK, then get jobs in the same area — I think that's a planning impossibility," said Bob Ayres, a former U.S. intelligence officer now at London's Chatham House think tank.
"A much more likely scenario is they were here together, they discovered that they shared some common ideology, and then they decided to act on this while here in the UK," he said.
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